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News comments and ratings
More and more clients request the options to comment and rate news. Pretty straight forward request.
I understand this may come in conflict with the Forum or even Blog module, but none of them really cut it in terms of module features and options.
Any thoughts on this?
Comments/ratings is available as standard in Dynamicweb 8 - I've written a short article on it at If you need templates leave a comment on the page.
I've also added the comments feature, so you can comment on Newsitems as well. Will be there with the next SR of DW8.
Insert the comment template in your news detail template and change these settings in the form:
<input type="hidden" name="Comment.ItemType" value="news" /> <input type="hidden" name="Comment.ItemID" value=" <!--@News:ID-->" />
<input type="hidden" name="Comment.ItemType" value="news" /> <input type="hidden" name="Comment.ItemID" value=" <!--@NewsID-->" />
Great post :-)
I cannot find the file mentioned comments.html in my DW8 solution under templates - any ideas?
David says that theres a "notify.html" template for notifications. I can't find this template anywhere - can you help locating it? :-)
I've found the "comments.html" and implemented in into my news item template - works like a charm! :-)
Adskillelige spørgsmål melder sig:
<form method="post" action="/Default.aspx?ID=<!--@Global:Page.ID-->" id="commentform" onsubmit="return comment_validate()"> <input type="hidden" name="Comment.Command" id="Comment.Command" value="create" /> <input type="hidden" name="Comment.ItemType" value="news" /> <input type="hidden" name="Comment.ItemID" value=" <!--@News:ID-->" /> <input type="hidden" name="Comment.Notify" value="false"> <label for="Comment.Rating">Your rating</label> <select name="Comment.Rating" id="Comment.Rating" onchange="document.getElementById('commentform').submit();"> <option value="">Rate product....</option> <option value="1">1 (Poor)</option> <option value="2">2 (Below average)</option> <option value="3">3 (Average)</option> <option value="4">4 (Good)</option> <option value="5">5 (Great)</option> </select><br /> <input type="hidden" name="Comment.Name" id="Comment.Name" value="Annonym" /><br /> <input type="hidden" name="Comment.Email" id="Comment.Email" value="" /><br /> <input type="hidden" name="Comment.Website" id="Comment.Website" value="" /><br /> <input type="hidden" name="Comment.Text" id="Comment.Text" value="Rating" /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Send comment" /> </form>
Ovenstående indsat på en newsv2 item template, burde det ikke muliggør indsendelse af rating? (Det gør det ikke på mine templates)
I newsv2 list loopet er der et template tag:
Som burde indeholde rating på de forskellige nyheder.
Jeg har manuelt indtastet et bar comments på mine nyheder, så jeg har noget data at teste med. Men det virker ikke. De indtastede comments ratings bliver vist på item templaten, men ikke i listen. Løsning kører DW
In English please.
You can not display the comments or the rating on the newslist as it is now.
On the new detail you have a comments loop that will render the comments and rating for that item.
I see no
Le escribo en exactamente el lenguaje que me conviene. Y, por supuesto, ayuda a sus socios, así como usted puede, sin importar el idioma que hablen
Nice attitude...
Thanks for the help. I fixed it with a data list.
Regarding attitude, it's me trying to sell your software, and you are not making it easier with the half finished solutions. Every time there is a question in here, there is an end customer thumbing the table, waiting for an explanation or solution. And now you want to dictate me on what language i should use to get help for them?
But of course I am the one with a bad attitude. Im just a "Get it done" attitude kind of guy.
I don't think this is about "dictating the language" but about you finding the largest audience possible. I, for one, don't speak Danish but I might be able to help you answer your questions. I am sure you can speak in Danish to the Dynamicweb support department, but the way I see it, this forum is a community tool visited by people from many different countries, so it makes sense to use English as the main language so as many people as possible can contribute and learn from the discussions that take place here.