I have this redirect method
public override string Redirect(Dynamicweb.eCommerce.Orders.Order order) { string orderStatus = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["order"]; if (orderStatus == "complete") { LogEvent(order, "complete"); base.SetOrderComplete(order); base.CheckoutDone(order); } else { LogError(order, "transaktionen fejlede"); order.TransactionStatus = "failed"; order.Save(); base.CheckoutDone(order); return PrintErrorTemplate(order); } return PrintShowThanksTemplate(order); }
But no matter what I do in the return, the comes no output. My order is set to complete, customers and shop get their email, but I am not sent through to the next step. My Print methods just renders some templates, but I have tried to return the empty string and null. No one of these two sent me to the next step in the flow. I have not found anything in the Checkout Handler pdf, that tells me what to do. So can anyone tell me how to do it?