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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Print a name of parent page in an html page template?

Print a name of parent page in an html page template?

Roman Sterlingov
Can this be done? Optionally, it would work if we could just print the name of a page in the breadcrumb at a certain level. (like the DwLegend does, but while it prints the whole list, we only need one page from that list).


Bo Lindblom
I think you can use DwTopPageName.

Roman Sterlingov
Thank you! This actually works for our case right now, but it always returns the name of the top-level page.
Just for reference, is there a way to get the name of the 'parent' page?
So if I have 3 pages
page 1
    page 2
        page 3

DwTopPageName returns "Page 1". Is there a way to get "Page 2"?


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