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getimage aspx problem, cannot resize images?

Roman Sterlingov
When I try to call it with different dimensions than those of the original image, it just fails with the error provided below. I have specifically checked that the size is the argument that is causing this. If I change it to the image's native resolution, it is rendered fine. But if I use any other values for width or height, or if I omit any of them, it produces this error:

(I cannot write the exact error, because the forum seems to crash when I insert error messages... But I could send it or publicize somewhere else if you need it.)


Morten Bengtson
I think the error message would help :)

Did you try to use the GetImage form? /Admin/Public/GetImage.aspx
The form will validate your input, so you are able to see if you are missing anything.

Are you trying to make the image larger than the original?

What is the original image format - jpg, png, gif, bmp, tiff, dingdong?
I once experienced some issues with images that was named with an extension that did not match the actual image format.
Roman Sterlingov
Yes I am using admin/public/getimage.aspx?

I am trying to make it smaller than the orignal (trying to make thumbnail)

Here is the error output:

Thanks for the tip about problems with other extensions than the format of the image, but in our case both the image and the extensions are jpg.


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