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Forum » Development » BadImagePrintHook32


Martin Slot
I get an error when clicking on a product in the eCom backend of the newest DW solution. The guys at DW says it is a custom code fault in spite of that it is an DW error that gets thrown. And that is fine with me, because I sometimes experince that an DW error is rooted a custom error. But when I fire up windbg on the test server and start debugging, doing a complete stacktrace of all the exceptions on the heap, I cannot see those exceptions point elsewhere. What the exceptions points to is a BadImageFormatException, that tells me that PrintHook32 can not be loaded. What is PrintHook32? And is this a indirect indicator of broken custom code?

The error is
Exception type: System.BadImageFormatException
Message: Could not load file or assembly 'PrintHook32' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.

I have attached an png file of the error I get in eCom.



Morten Bengtson
Are you running the site on a 64-bit server?
It might be a problem caused by 32-bit assemblies (ImageGlue.dll and others)
Have a look at this thread:  64-bit Windows Server
Morten Bengtson
 And this one: Getimage.aspx and 64bit servers 
Martin Slot
You are correct. I am running a 64 bit server, but as you can see in the attachment, the server is allready running in 32 bit mode. I have been told that this is a custom code problem, but if it is, shouldn't I get a error related to this. We do not use PrintHook32 in the custom code. PrintHook32 is a dll that is not supplied with the old version of DW that we are upgrading from.
Morten Bengtson
If you are absolutely sure that you are looking at the settings of right application pool, you can try this... 

1. Make sure that Dynamicweb is configured to use the DW7 user interface (Management Center > Editing > Interface settings)

2. Make sure that all dll files are from the same release (sometimes you need to do this manually, because files can be locked when dw tries to update them automatically).

3. Take a look at your project build settings in Visual Studio. Target platform should be set to "Any CPU".

Martin Slot
I have added DynamicWeb to the namespaces in the Edit file, and now it works. So the problem was in the edit file of eCom, and not with a third party dll. I can see, by doing a live debugging that BadImageException is always casted when the server is restarted, but maybe this is handled somewhere in the DW core.


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