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Webkit browsers problem with administration

Peter Bille Larsen
Hi DWs

When we use the administration with a webkit browser, there is sometimes some odd quirks.

I cannot click the Indstillinger|Layout| in safari
I can't change the name of the "afsnit" in safari

Also the same i chrome. Is it my computer or is it a general problem?

I have done some instructions in the system to a client over the phone, they were using safari, and they could'nt see some of the things I could. I.e. the fileeditor they could not scroll down.

Is it some upgrade of the interface/browser-plugin which could handle this problem? I would love to use my chrome for editing.


Regin Madsen
I would like to top this with:

FF6 on mac - no tabs on the properties page for a page can be clicked. This seems to be chrome and Safari as well
FF6 - with the setting open new window in tab - you cannot add new global pages
Problem with submit changes to pages on all webkit browsers (not a problem on the current version of DW)

As more and more users turns to Mac, it seems like a serious problem that users on these machines does not have a working backend.
Regin Madsen
Found another one today:

Copying websites is a nogo...

Think DW has too many customers and therefore is using their choise of browser to select what customers they want to keep ;-)


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