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Forum » CMS - Standard features » WebDAV folders showing up as empty files in Dreamweaver CS5 for MAC

WebDAV folders showing up as empty files in Dreamweaver CS5 for MAC

Søren Kottal-Nielsen
I have tried to set up a WebDAV folder on a couple of solutions. I am using Dreamweaver CS5 for Mac, and have created a site for the solution, where I set up the webdav-folder as a server.

But, when I log in, the folders show up as empty files instead of folders.

I have also tried to connect to the folder using Cyberduck. It can't connect at all... 


Bjarne Rosendal

Hi Søren

The engine used to create hostheaders and webdav and change home directories will be changed in Dynamicweb 8.0, eliminating some current issues.

Best regards
Bjarne Rosendal
Tommy B-Kuhlmann
I've just tried the same thing with our DW8-demo, but I don't get the folders, just an empty Files-file.
I have no problem connecting with Cyberduck and getting the folder-list there, though.
Why is it, that it doesn't work with Dreamweaver? Is there a workaround?


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