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Adding multiple products in the cart

Bo Møller
 Hey everybody,

I'm trying to add multiple products through an AJAX call, but it just doesn't work.
I've tried several ways.

I'm testing by just calling the URL where the cart is located.

This is an example of a command that works:

Here's an example of what I'm trying to do, but doesn't work:
I've tried removing the empty fields, and I've tried several combinations of uppercase and lowercase naming.

Can someone please help here? I've looked through the other examples here on Engage as well.



You should use a  form tag to add multiple products. But you can do  ajax submit of that form...

Best regards,

Bo Møller
Hi Vladimir, thanks for your reply.

I am aware of this - just not what it should look like.
Does anyone know exactly how this form should look?
Morten Snedker
 Hi Bo,

Vladimir is right - when using addmulti it takes the values from form fields, whereas add  uses querystring. So you may want to create some hidden fields you can ask upon.

Regards /Snedker

Morten Snedker
 Hi Bo,

Something like this:

<form name="multiForm" id="multiForm" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="CartCmd" id="CartCmd" value="addMulti" />
        <!--@Ecom:Product.Number--> - <!--@Ecom:Product.Name-->
        <!--@Ecom:Product.Price.Price--><br />
        <input type="text" name="Quantity!--@Ecom:Product.LoopCounter-->" value="0" />
Though, I'll try go get it to standard that is takes querystring as well. But I don't suppose you can wait up for that!   :-)

Regards /Snedker
Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger
This post has been marked as an answer

Or, if you want to do it in JS, you can do something like this:

// Or however you want to store your product IDs
var productIDs = ["PROD1", "PROD2"];

var params = {};
params["CardCmd"] = "addmulti";
for (var i = 0; i < productIDs.length; i++) {
    var productLoopCounter = i+1;
    params["ProductLoopCounter" + productLoopCounter]  = productLoopCounter;
    params["ProductID" + productLoopCounter] = productIDs[i];
    params["VariantID" + productLoopCounter] = "";
    params["UnitID" + productLoopCounter] = "";
    params["Quantity" + productLoopCounter] = 1;

var url = "Kurv.aspx";

If you use PrototypeJS:
new Ajax.Request(url, {
    method: 'post',
    parameters: params

If you use jQuery:
$.post(url, params);

Hope this helps

- Jeppe
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Bo Møller
 Hey Jeppe, We have done exactly what you write, but it doesn't work.
We are now attempting to create a from like the one Morten suggests.

It would be best if we could generate and submit a query through javascript though. Any input here is welcome.
Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger

Okay, so I made a small typo. It should have been CartCmd and not CardCmd.

I've tested it here, and it works.

- Jeppe
Bo Møller
 Hi all,

Thanks for the help guys. We finally got it to work!
Jackie (The primary developer on the project) will post the code. Right Jackie? :-)
Jackie Nagel
 This is what we ended up using:

//Parameter is an array of product ids and  quantities according to the pattern:
function addItemsToCart(productIDs){
var params = {};
params["CartCmd"] = "addMulti";
for (var i = 0; i < productIDs.length; i++) {
	var splittedProducts = productIDs[i].split('-');
    var productLoopCounter = i+1;
    params["ProductLoopCounter" + productLoopCounter]  = productLoopCounter;
    params["ProductID" + productLoopCounter] = splittedProducts[0];
    params["VariantID" + productLoopCounter] = "";
    params["UnitID" + productLoopCounter] = "";
    params["Quantity" + productLoopCounter] = splittedProducts[1];
params["Redirect"] = "/da-DK/AJAX-Kurv/Kurv.aspx";

      type: "POST",
      url: "/da-DK/AJAX-Kurv/Kurv.aspx",
      data: params,
      async: false,
      success: function(data){
Yet again, thanks alot for your suggestions! :-)
Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
Hi Jackie

Glad you guys figured it out - and thanks for sharing (and caring!)

Jacob Storgaard Jensen
Hi Jackie,
Does this solution require a form to work? How is it triggered?

I've got this page where I try to add X amount of each product to my cart via ajax, then slide down (show) the cart in the top showing the added products and the total cart amount. (The jagged blue field behind the white box in the top should slide down).


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