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PrinterFriendly and pdf in url

Per Søgaard
 Can we in any way use these at the same time so that we can produce a pdf from the a printerfriendly css variant of the page?



Bjarne Rosendal
Hi Per

You should be able to. The system renders the page according to the order of the URL parameters.
So if you parse the printerfrindly=true parameter first and then the pdf=true second you should get the correct output.

Kind Regards

Bjarne Rosendal | Service Desk
Per Søgaard
 No using both does not work this way:

They work one at a time but not at the same time like abowe.
So my question is - is there another way to may it work?
Martin Gammelholm
Hi Per,

If you use Designs, you can use these parameters:

Just edit the path so it points to your print template.

Kind regards

Martin Gammelholm | Service Desk
Per Søgaard

But my print template is built into the normal page thus just having one template. 
And therefore i need to use it like i wrote above.

Can i do what i would like to do with another syntax or how can i do it?
Per Søgaard
 Testing e-mail notifications ;-)
Mads Ulsø Østergaard
Which template tags are needed in the Print.html file? I can't seem to make my page render any output when using this method. I've tried <!--@PageContent--> and <!--@ContentPlaceHolder--> in the Print.html file, but no luck. I'm using designs and layouts, and the following parameters: &pdf=true&LayoutTemplate=Designs/stenex2011/Master/print.html

Thanks in advance


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