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Forum » Feature requests » Image scaling in rich text editor?

Image scaling in rich text editor?

Morten Bengtson
Images are not handled very well in the editor, e.g. paragraph text

1) After insert of an img, it has no width/height attributes. The attributes should always be there if possible (faster page rendering, better user experience).
<img alt="" src="/Files/Billeder/2011.jpg" />

2) After the first resize the attributes are added, but the actual image is still the same size (no real scaling).
<img alt="" width="613" height="408" src="/Files/Billeder/2011.jpg" />

3) After the second resize the attributes are replaced with css?
<img alt="" style="width: 737px; height: 416px" src="/Files/Billeder/2011.jpg" />

Would it be possible to change it so that an image always has width/height AND is resized with GetImage.aspx?
<img alt="" width="613" height="408" src="/Admin/Public/GetImage.aspx?Image=/Files/Billeder/2011.jpg&Width=613&Height=408" />
