Images are not handled very well in the editor, e.g. paragraph text
1) After insert of an img, it has no width/height attributes. The attributes should always be there if possible (faster page rendering, better user experience).
<img alt="" src="/Files/Billeder/2011.jpg" />
2) After the first resize the attributes are added, but the actual image is still the same size (no real scaling).
<img alt="" width="613" height="408" src="/Files/Billeder/2011.jpg" />
3) After the second resize the attributes are replaced with css?
<img alt="" style="width: 737px; height: 416px" src="/Files/Billeder/2011.jpg" />
Would it be possible to change it so that an image always has width/height AND is resized with GetImage.aspx?
<img alt="" width="613" height="408" src="/Admin/Public/GetImage.aspx?Image=/Files/Billeder/2011.jpg&Width=613&Height=408" />