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Service Unavailable

 I have a small XSLT loop for variants. It runs fine with normal variants. But if you change the price of one or more of the variants, it not only returns error. It stalls the server completely, and you will get 503 service unavailable until you manually restart the app pool.

(xsl:if test="count(loop[@name='VariantCombinations']/item) > 0" )
(select id="variantBox")
(xsl:for-each select="loop[@name='VariantCombinations']/item")
(xsl:attribute name="onfocus")$('#prisBox').html('PRIS (xsl:value-of select="Ecom.VariantCombination.Product.Price.Price" /) DKK.')(/xsl:attribute)
(xsl:attribute name="value")(xsl:value-of select="Ecom.VariantCombination.VariantID" /)(/xsl:attribute)
(xsl:value-of select="Ecom.VariantCombination.VariantText" /)(/option)

Since this forum has no code escaping brackets has been replaced with ()

Can anyone explain this please?

Edit: Forget everything above. It appears a completely empty XSLT template still makes the server crash.

- Dynamicweb: Are you still 100% sure, this is a template problem?


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
What happens if you use a html template the same place? No exception?


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