Hey Guys,
When working with notifications for newsletter v3, we have 3 events to work with,: Created, Deleted and Updated.
When subscribing to a newsletter the notification Created is called, when subscribing with the same email again, Updated is called. When unsubscribing Updated is then called again.
One might expect Deleted to be called when unsubscribing, but seeing what Dynamciweb does when you unsubscribe, it makes a litle sense, since the recipients aren't removed from the database, even when he is no longer subscribing to any newsletter categories.
Deleted is first triggered when a user is deleted via the backend.
What i'd like is a notification that runs when a user is trying to unsubscribe, since running Updated when unsubscribing isn't all that intuitiv.
But maybe the notifications are minded the backend part of Newsletter v3?
Developer forum
Newsletter v3 notification missing
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