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DW 7.2 and the eCom demo site

 Hey DW,

I just setup a local developer site with the new 7.2 release, and i figured that i'd use the eCommerce Demo Data pack, to save som time setting up products and pages.

But there seems to be some problems with the new release and demo package, because clicking "Products" and selecting a category, throws an error:

Der blev konstateret en potentielt farlig værdi for Request.QueryString fra klienten (PageTitle="<!--@Server:Request....").

I've edited the group template to check wether the pagetitle parameter is in the URL, so we can get this error removed from the pack. I've attached it to the post.

Heading to the backend, i tried to add a new group to the "Productcatalog (ecom)" module,. but when i press "Add" and wan't to select the group to add, the popup windows is just blank.

Maybe it's a but in the current release.

And how do i test the new power pack? i've activated the Powerpack module, but i dont see any new modules or features popping up anywhere?




Hi Martin,

I've been experiencing the same problems, so I've been doing some cleaning up in the templates for my own demo. There was a lot of rubbish in the links to groups and products. The templates are as is, but you're welcome to give them a try.

Btw. the "Potentially dangerous [..]" can usually be fixed by adding validateRequest="false" to the page directive of the web form where the error occurs - in your case Default.aspx - or by adding a "pages" node with the validateRequest="false" attribute to System.Web in your web.config. The latter approach makes sure that the error does not occur in the paragraph editing section of your custom modules if you forget the page directive in [ModuleSystemName]_Edit.aspx pages.

About PowerPack, once installed the module will display as a yellow star icon on the product editing screen - the rest is implemented in templates... as far as my investigation has shown;-) I've modified my templates to include this as well.



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