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Does anyone know a way to send a test email?

I would like to test different email clients and see how the email looks, so i need to alter the CSS several times and i don’t want to place an order each time. Is there a way to send out the OrderEmail in CartV1 as a test? 
And in general, is there a way to send out test emails in other modules using templates as emails?



Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger
Hi Mikkel

I suppose you can you the new Forms module from Data Lists. You can use the "Send receipt..." option. Your template does need to be in the /Templates/DataManagement/Forms/Email folder.

Let me know if I misunderstood your question :-)

- Jeppe
 You did :)

The Cart Mdoule - Here you can define the email sent to a user after an order is placed and accepted. Its standard call OrderEmail.html and lives in Ecom\orders\Email something something....

This is just html file, with some tags in it. I want to style this email and send out a test to my self. In order to do so, i need to place an order, use my credit card etc. I wanted to know if it is possible to send a test without all this. 

Just like you can with the newsletters in NewsletterV3 before you send them out.

u know?
Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger
Hi Mikkel

Sorry for the misunderstanding :-)

It's not possible to send out a test mail from either carts without completing an order. But you can shorten the process a bit. If you use a Payment Method without a Gateway attached, then you can skip the whole payment step and go straight to the receipt.

- Jeppe
 Hi Jeppe,

Okay - Thank you.



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