We use this module in almost all our solutions, so naturally have a feature requests. To better understand, check the module in www.tivolihotels.com. There are over 2000 news categories
- similar to eCom, have default image, for news without image/preview image
- ability to set the default "publication period" to "never" (by default is always 1 year after creating the news, and we get a lot of help desk because clients tend to forget this)
Language management (some sort of)
- we build a lot of multiple language solutions, and have to duplicate news categories for every language
- allow sub-categories (at least 1 level would be a great help in a lot of solutions)
- default news template per category
- allow to copy more than one news at a time
- copy category and news
- "global element" news in multiple categories
- "insert paragraph custom field" (i know this sounds tricky - the idea is to be able to add a paragraph with an image gallery module, form module, file publish module, pool module, or some others, to a news)
Best Regards,