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LinkManager URLS faulty

Dw:LinkManager controls returns a faulty url! if you use searchfriendyurls you have to add  /


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
Hi Jais

The linkmanager returns "Default.apx?ID=123" as it should.

When using SEO friendly URL's Dynamicweb add a base href meta tag to handle the relativeness of the links.

The seo url is rewritten to Default.aspx?ID=123 as well, so if you do i.e. a redirect from you code your are in the root of the website and does not need the / either.

If using the url from linkmanager in a javascript though, woudl require to adding a /.
Hmm strange i'm using it in my custom module, which is attached on several levels of the page strukture if it is on a sub level it requires me to have / before it (im using the paragraph settings in a ascx control im not sure if this has anything todo with it?)
Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Do you have a basehref in you meta data in the frontend of that solution?

How do you link look like in html? <a href="Default.aspx?ID=12">?


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