I'am trying to put at product into the basket using the url parameters. But are also using parameters to hold other values.
The problem is that when I redirect the browser to http://mydomain/Default.aspx?ID=8&VareNr=1938&farve=NAVY&productid=13340&cartcmd=add
inorder to add the product to the basket.
The product is being put in the basket, but the browser is redirected to an url without parameters. ie: http://mydomain/Default.aspx?ID=8
Therefor I loose the information that I need in the parameters.
This is only an issue in ie, not firefox. In firefox the url correctly end up as http://mydomain/Default.aspx?ID=8&VareNr=1938&farve=NAVY
This is my javascript for redirecting the browser:
function buyMe()
var prodSelect = document.getElementById("productSelect");
var prodId = prodSelect[prodSelect.selectedIndex].attributes["value"].value;
var oldHref = window.location.href;
window.location = oldHref + "&productid=" + prodId + "&cartcmd=add";
Have u seen this problem before? and if yes, is there a solution?