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Forum » Development » product into the basket using the url parameters

product into the basket using the url parameters


I'am trying to put at product into the basket using the url parameters. But are also using parameters to hold other values.

The problem is that when I redirect the browser to http://mydomain/Default.aspx?ID=8&VareNr=1938&farve=NAVY&productid=13340&cartcmd=add
inorder to add the product to the basket.
The product is being put in the basket, but the browser is redirected to an url without parameters. ie: http://mydomain/Default.aspx?ID=8
Therefor I loose the information that I need in the parameters.

This is only an issue in ie, not firefox. In firefox the url correctly end up as http://mydomain/Default.aspx?ID=8&VareNr=1938&farve=NAVY

This is my javascript for redirecting the browser:

    function buyMe()
        var prodSelect = document.getElementById("productSelect");
        var prodId = prodSelect[prodSelect.selectedIndex].attributes["value"].value;
        var oldHref = window.location.href;
        window.location = oldHref + "&productid=" + prodId + "&cartcmd=add";

Have u seen this problem before? and if yes, is there a solution?



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