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dynamicweb system cookies


A Client needs to write a private policy on his website. He asks - the dynamicweb system saves a cookie on the client machine,  what is the use for that cookie? He needs a precise description.  (the DW support can´t answer the question, so the question is for a DW developer)



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
Reply wrote:

A Client needs to write a private policy on his website. He asks - the dynamicweb system saves a cookie on the client machine,  what is the use for that cookie? He needs a precise description.  (the DW support can´t answer the question, so the question is for a DW developer)



When a user visits a Dynamicweb solution, a cookie is set with a timestamp for the visit. This timestamp is used the next time the visitor visits the site to indicate if it is a returning visitor or a new visitor. The cookie has an expiration time of 30 years.


If the solution has extranet, cookies are set if the visitors checks remember username and password.


On eCommerce solutions cookies are used to store cart id.


If the page feature "favorites" is used, page ids i stored in a cookie.


Poll module stores information about which polls the visitor has submitted.


News modules stores information about what news are shown when running personalized news.


I think thats about it.

Charlotte Mogensen

This replay was from 2009. Are there more/different cookies present on Dynamicweb websites today? Websites need to declare these today according to the EU directive, so it would be nice with an updated list of cookies and what they do. Please.

Per Jensen

Hi Nicolai

Alot of customers are asking about this, so was wondering if you could give us an update reguarding the issue ?
Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger
Hi Per

Perhaps this is what you're looking for? NB. this document is in danish.

- Jeppe
Per Jensen

Hi Jeppe, thank you for your reply. The document you are linking to is clearly a start, but it dosent include all the cookie's that DynamicWeb make as far as i know ? ( The document is about DW 8, so maby older version use other cookies ? )


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