I want to add a shipping fee to certain items in a shop. I've made a matrix for this in the Shipping extension i ecom (illustrated in the file attached to this post).
I'm using the weight on products to determine if the product should have a shippingfee applied to it. Adding the value "1/0 kg" on the products.
The problem is, that if i add a product to the basket with a weight value "0" - the customers still have to pay for the shippig as if the totalt weight of the order was "1".
I can't add a shippingfee with the price of "0,00" - don't think that's possible in that module. There is a property called 'Default fee' - but my other settings overrule this.
Any bright ideas?
*** EDIT ***
I was not able to upload the screendump, but here is the matrix:
Fee Type Weightlimit
31,00 $ 1,00kg
62,00 $ 2,00kg
93,00 $ 3,00kg
And so on :)