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make a donation



We have a customer (an ideal organisation CAW), they want to have a 'make a donation' function on their page. Idealy one where the vistor can fill inn a form w. amout of money to donate and be taken to a payment-gateway. Is it possible with the ecommerse module?





Sure, let the buy X number of the donation product that costs 1 currency item.


As a customer, if I want to donate 150 dkk, I type 150 in the quantity field and complete my purchase.


of course  
why didn't I think of that :)


Well, it's not the first time I've been asked this question, so I've had some time to think about it:)


It would be the same issue if you wanted to allow you members to settle their membership account online. They would just need to pay the currency amount equivalent to the balance of their account.


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