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Is there an xml example file like the navigation.xml (for pages), but for the eCommerce group lists?


Best Regards,




I too am looking for a guide on how to implement the new xslt ecom menu with subgroups .. it would be a great hlp with a how to on this ..


OK .. after lookin around for an answer. I'm told to post the question here.

I am working on a solution where we have a lot of groups and sub groups.

Now we want this menu to act dynamically, showing only the active subgroups within a group .. basically your standard dynamic menu .. but dynamically from ecom .. I have been using standard xslt (like the LIClean.xslt) for a while  ..


NOW HOW DO I get to use the dynamic menu???


A swift and easy-to-follow answer is much appresiated..





/ Ditte


An I would specifically like to know what template menu/navigation to use to make this happen..


Thnx, Ditte


Hi Folks


If you use the new ecom navigation and the navigationxml.aspx (check the link)


Then you can get a combined view over your pages and ecommerce groups


Regarding the template you can use the liclean.xslt as a starter.




// Sebastian


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