When forms submit and DW try to send an email I get timeout after 20 sec. Dos DW try to send again later or are the email lost if the server doesnot response in 20 sec.
When forms submit and DW try to send an email I get timeout after 20 sec. Dos DW try to send again later or are the email lost if the server doesnot response in 20 sec.
The email would be lost as it it attempted sent directly througn smtp. You might be able to retreive the submitted information from the form log defined in admin.
But check you smtp settings. If you're experiencing the problem on your local machine, you might run in to some virus scanner issues. In that case please disable you virus scanner service when testing.
Nicolai just corrected me on that past posting. If an exception is thrown during the communication with the smtp server, like in this instance a timeout, an .eml file is saved in /Files/Filer/Formlog, so it's not a total loss.
Mails are not attempted resent, but you are able to open the .eml file using Outlook Exporess and send it through there.
Sorry for the misinformation:)
Thanks for your replay.
Insted of going to the log now and then. I want the email to try again later or extend the timeout periode. Is that possible ?
Well, yes, but you'd have to code it yourself.
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