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Validating costumer input



How do I validate the customer input on the page costumer.html?

I want to validate that something has been written in the name, adress and other fields.




Got this from DW - It works fine:


function submitForm() {

        if (checkform()){






function SetSlectedLanguage() {

        var opt = document.submitUserData.EcomOrderCustomerCountry.options;

        for (var i=1;i
               if (opt[i].value == "") {

                       opt[i].selected = true;




        opt = document.submitUserData.EcomOrderDeliveryCountry.options;

        for (var i=1;i
               if (opt[i].value == "") {

                       opt[i].selected = true;






function checkform()


        if (document.submitUserData.EcomOrderCustomerName.value == '')


               // something is wrong

               alert('Udfyld venligst Navn');

               return false;


        else if (document.submitUserData.EcomOrderCustomerAddress.value == '')


               // something else is wrong

               alert('Udfyld venligst Adresse');

               return false;


        else if (!document.submitUserData.EcomOrderCustomerZip.value.match(/^\d{4}$/))


               // something else is wrong

               alert('Angiv venligst et gyldigt Postnummer');


               return false;


        else if (document.submitUserData.EcomOrderCustomerCity.value == '')


               // something else is wrong

               alert('Udfyld venligst By');

               return false;


        else if (document.submitUserData.EcomOrderCustomerPhone.value == '')


               // something else is wrong

               alert('Udfyld venligst Telefonnummer');

               return false;


        else if (!validateEmail(document.submitUserData.EcomOrderCustomerEmail.value))


               // something else is wrong

               alert('Angiv venligst en gyldig e-mailadresse');

               return false;



        return true;



How do I validate the customer input on the page CartOrderForm.html in the old Shop?

I want to validate that the customer has checked the box for the sales and delievery conditions and if not, to re-load the form with an error message.


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