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Getting XML from Dynamicweb for use in ie flash.

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Lately I've gotten some questions on how to get some data from Dynamicweb in XML for use in Flash things. I've mocked up a quick example of how to do it with custom code. This is the page_load event of Default.aspx.vb/cs in the root of a Custom Modules project.


Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

'Set a timer to monitor performance

Dim StartTime As Long = DateTime.Now.Ticks

'Initiate the pageview object that handles a Page view in Dynamicweb

Dim Pageview As New Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageView

'Create an instance of the eventhandler object and attach it to the custom module event

Dim objCustModuleHandler As New CustomModuleHandler

AddHandler Pageview.Content.CMEventHandler, AddressOf objCustModuleHandler.GetCustomModule

'Load data, templates and settings in the pageview object


If Pageview.TemplatePage.TagExist("MyTag") Then

Pageview.TemplatePage.SetTemplateValue("MyTag", "MyValue")

End If




'If Pageview.User.LoggedIn Then

'End If

'Hooking to the navigation system

If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Base.Request("xml")) Then

Dim NavXmlDoc As XmlDocument

Dim Nav As New Frontend.XMLNavigation(Pageview)

NavXmlDoc = Nav.XML(0, 1, 99, Frontend.XMLNavigation.Expand.All)


Response.ContentType = "text/xml"



End If

'Getting one news as xml

'NewsXML should contain the ID of the newsItem that is needed


If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Base.Request("NewsXML")) Then

Dim newsId As Integer = Base.ChkNumber(Base.Request("NewsXML"))

Dim dt As DataTable = Database.getDataSet("SELECT * FROM News WHERE NewsID = " & newsId).Tables(0)

Dim myStringuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder

Dim myStream As New System.IO.StringWriter(myStringuilder)



Response.ContentType = "text/xml"



End If

'Getting a list of news as xml

'NewsXML should contain the ID of the newsItem that is needed


If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Base.Request("NewsCategoryXML")) Then

Dim NewsCategoryID As Integer = Base.ChkNumber(Base.Request("NewsCategoryXML"))

Dim dt As DataTable = Database.getDataSet("SELECT * FROM News WHERE NewsCategoryID = " & NewsCategoryID).Tables(0)

Dim myStringuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder

Dim myStream As New System.IO.StringWriter(myStringuilder)



Response.ContentType = "text/xml"



End If

'Getting one paragraph as xml

'ParagraphXML should contain the ID of the paragraph that is needed


If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Base.Request("ParagraphXML")) Then

Dim ParagraphId As Integer = Base.ChkNumber(Base.Request("ParagraphXML"))

Dim dt As DataTable = Database.getDataSet("SELECT * FROM Paragraph WHERE ParagraphID = " & ParagraphId).Tables(0)

Dim myStringuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder

Dim myStream As New System.IO.StringWriter(myStringuilder)



Response.ContentType = "text/xml"



End If

'NavXmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = False

'Dim resultingHtml As String = Base.XmlXsltParse(NavXmlDoc, "~/Files/Templates/Navigation/" & XSLTTemplate)

'Pageview.TemplatePage.SetTemplateValue("SpaanjaarsNavigation", resultingHtml)


'Render the data of the pageview object and place the resulting HTML in the output-literal

Dim GlobalTemplate As New Dynamicweb.Templatev2.Template

GlobalTemplate.Html = Pageview.Output

GlobalTemplate.SetTag("GlobalPageID", Pageview.ID)

Output.Text = GlobalTemplate.Output

'Output.Text = Pageview.Output()

'Dim pvCtl As New PageviewControl


'pvCtl.Pageview = Pageview

'pvCtl.LoadControl("/WebUserControl1.ascx", "Control1")

'Collect the last performance counter and print if requested

Pageview.Execution.Add("After output")

Dim strDebug As String = Base.ChkString(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString("Debug"))

If strDebug = "True" Then

Status.Text = Server.HtmlEncode("") & Pageview.Execution.getExecutionTable() & Pageview.OutputPages()


Status.Text = ""

End If

End Sub



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