I am about to write a custom payment gateway. The gateway is intended to be used by extranet users who should be able to pay with virtual money. But I have stumbled over a problem! In my test environment I have tried to step over the payment by doing this:
In step 5 (http://localhost/Default.aspx?ID=2&step=5 ) when the payment window pops up I close it and enter this URL: http://localhost/Default.aspx?ID=2&step=6
In this way an order is generated in the backend without any payment! But looking at the order one can see that there is no information in the “Transaction” field group on the “Misc.” (in Danish: “Diverse”) tab? So does the shop owner have to check manually for these information’s before delivering, checking that he has got paid for what has been ordered? Or how can he see that there has been been paid for an order?