I tried to implement MagicScaler instead of ImageGlue but there are some hardcoded assembly dependencies which forced me to change web.config
Repro steps:
- Went to https://www.nuget.org/packages/Dynamicweb.Imaging.Providers.MagicScalerProviders and got the latest version
- Got the dependency from https://www.nuget.org/packages/PhotoSauce.MagicScaler/ (latest version)
- Deleted all *ImageGlue*.dll from the bin folder
(steps from http://doc.dynamicweb.com/forum/development/development/replace-imageglue-with-magicscaler)
This didn't work (after the last upgrade of DW's provider), so I had to:
- Get the proper version of the dependency https://www.nuget.org/packages/PhotoSauce.MagicScaler/0.10.3
- Add dependencies to web.config for System.Buffers.dll and System.Numerics.Vectors.dll because of it
<dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity name="System.Buffers" publicKeyToken="cc7b13ffcd2ddd51" culture="neutral" /> <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" /> </dependentAssembly> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity name="System.Numerics.Vectors" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" /> <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" /> </dependentAssembly>
This got it to work, but I don't like having to change web.config and also that we can't run with the latest PhotoSauce.MagicScaler.dll. Can this be fixed?
I might say that MagicScaler is much faster than ImageGlue generating the first image, at least in webp format. My reference image went down from +8 seconds to under 1.4 sec to be generated (I had posted in this thread http://doc.dynamicweb.com/forum/cms-standard-features?ThreadID=83471 ). Multiply that on a product detail page with large product sliders and/or product list pages, and there is a noticeable difference.
Best Regards,
Nuno Aguiar