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Custom Add In not showing up

Karol Barkowski


I wanted to play around with custom add ins a little bit so I found some example that I put into my project. It's the most basic app that I could write:


    public class App : ContentModule
        public override string GetContent()
            var model = new AppViewModel{ FirstName = "John" };
            var template = new Template("SampleCustomApp/Page.cshtml");
            return template.Output();
    public class AppViewModel : ViewModelBase
        public string FirstName { get; set; }

But the problem is that I don't see it in the Apps section in admin. What am I imssing here? I'm 100% sure that the project dll is in the right place as I have some custom notification subscribers in there and a custom scheduled task and they all work ok. It's just this thing that for some reason is not picked up by DW admin.


Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Can you see it here:

And are you locked in as administrator? You might need to set permissions for it before it shows up...

Karol Barkowski

ok, I found a webinar on vimeo where it is all shown from start to finish (

I didn't realize that I need to create a module manually. I assumed that just like with subscribers and scheduled task types, it will be picked up automagically by some reflection mechanisms.

I followed the steps from the webinar and no my app is up and running.

Thank you for your help.


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