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Url is prettified from ToggleFavorite.cshtml

Justin Sjouw Dynamicweb Employee
Justin Sjouw


I'm having some trouble with favorites. In ToggleFavorite.cshtml, the url is built up, and I can see that this result in :  /Default.aspx?ID=1250&ProductID=ART02520&VariantId=&ProductVariantId=&ShowButtonText=False&FavoriteListId=221

When I click the toggle button, the url is changed to

Which will then result in a 404.

I'm not sure if I need to change a setting to stop this url from being rewritten?




Justin Sjouw Dynamicweb Employee
Justin Sjouw

Found that this is the cause: 

I think at some point I checked this, because I noticed some URL's were indexed by google this way. Maybe a warning that this will break things in Swift might be an idea, or an option to override this setting for certain pages, so that I can have the service pages work despite of this setting.



Justin Sjouw Dynamicweb Employee
Justin Sjouw

I thought it was solved but it is not allas ;-)

When I directly request the URL in my browser, the url is not rewritten:

But when the relative URL is requested via javascript during the onclick of the favorite button, it is stil rewritten and i get:

I have both these options unchecked:

Not sure if the uncheck of the Internal Url's should be even necessary.

Any ideas?




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