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Forum » Dynamicweb 10 » Notification Standard.Application.AfterDynamicwebStart is obsolete in DW10 - Are there any alternatives?

Notification Standard.Application.AfterDynamicwebStart is obsolete in DW10 - Are there any alternatives?

Pedro Meias


We are upgrading a project from DW9 to DW10.

We are using this notification - Standard.Application.AfterDynamicwebStart to create some custom sql tables

This seems to be obsolete in DW10.

Can you please recommend if there is an alternative we can use?

Thank you


Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

For that specific task, you can use an updasteprovider:

Then DW will handle updates to the database and keep track if any given database has this update.

BR Nicolai

Pedro Meias

Hi Nicolai,

Thank you for your reply.

We do have a couple of more cases were we use the notification Standard.Application.AfterDynamicwebStart (Sorry I have not listed all of these before)

- Create Order Contexts

- Create Order Fields

- Create User Custom Fields

- Create Product Fields

For example, We do have one Tax prodider that uses this notification to Create some User Fields and Product Fields, this way when we need to use the Tax Prodiver on a new project, we just deploy the dll and don't need to create the fields on the backend.

Do you have any suggestion on how to do this?

Thank you.



Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Pedro

You create an update provider. They are made for being applied once to the database. There are 5 kind

  • FileUpdate
  • InitializeDatabaseUpdate
  • MethodUpdate
  • SettingUpdate
  • SqlUpdate

And if you want, you can create your own.

In your case you might want to create one or more MethodUpdate providers

public sealed class SmartSearchUpdateProvider : UpdateProvider


    public override IEnumerable<Update> GetUpdates() => new List<Update>()


        new MethodUpdate("ebcf6257-ae85-4248-ba9b-3842a66f21b9", this, UpdateRulesForSmartSearches),



 * Use a generated GUID string as id for an update

 * - Execute command in C# interactive window: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()



    private static void UpdateRulesForSmartSearches(UpdateContext context)


        var integerIdPattern = "\"id\":(\"|\")?(\\d+)";

        var userFields = new List<string>(["CreatedBy", "UpdatedBy"]);

        var emailFields = new List<string>(["_pseudo_email_sent", "_pseudo_email_opened", "_pseudo_email_clicked_link"]);

        // US #20207

        // TODO:

        // var emailLinkFields = new List<string>(["_pseudo_email_clicked_specific_link"]);

        var allSmartSearches = SmartSearchManager.GetAllSmartSearches();

        foreach (var smartSearch in allSmartSearches)


            var smartSearchChanged = false;

            foreach (var ruleGroup in smartSearch.RuleGroups)


                foreach (var rule in ruleGroup)


                    var isUserField = userFields.Contains(rule.Field.ID, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                    var isEmailField = !isUserField && emailFields.Contains(rule.Field.ID, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                    if (isUserField || isEmailField)


                        var match = Regex.Match(rule.Value, integerIdPattern);

                        if (match.Success && int.TryParse(match.Groups[2].Value, out var newValue))


                            rule.Value = newValue.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                            rule.Field.TypeName = typeof(int).FullName!;

                            rule.Field.ControlType = isUserField

                                ? SmartSearchRuleControlType.UserCtrl

                                : SmartSearchRuleControlType.EmailCtrl;

                            smartSearchChanged = true;





            if (smartSearchChanged)





Another example is to use fileproviders that can take a file that is embedded in your nuget package and can then be copied to the file system when the package is installed the first time:

new FileUpdate("47c228ac-fd96-4683-a12a-33e11ea94375", this, "/Files/Templates/DataIntegration/Notifications/ActivityNotificationTemplate.cshtml", DataIntegrationFileStreams.GetActivityNotificationTemplate)

The file is read as a ressource from the nuget package:

internal static class DataIntegrationFileStreams
    public static Stream GetActivityNotificationTemplate() => GetResourceStream("Templates.DataIntegration.Notifications.ActivityNotificationTemplate.cshtml");

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the file stream.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name">Part of the resource name, except "Dynamicweb.Updates.Files."</param>
    private static Stream GetResourceStream(string name)
        string resourceName = $"Dynamicweb.DataIntegration.Updates.Files.{name}";

        return Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(DataIntegrationFileStreams))?.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Resource '{resourceName}' not found.");

And the file is just embedded in the dll using embeddedressource:


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