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Commerce Dashboard - the actual order activity is not being reflected on the dashboard

Naw Mar Tha

Hi Sir,

The dashboard is still displaying '0 in total' for the count of completed orders although there is having multiple order transactions.

Could I know is there a place to check or solution for it?

Best Regards,

Mar Tha


Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov


the issue was fixed by task #21184 on DW10.6 and up ( was decided to hide chart total count if the chart is multidata), so please take care about upgrade your admin version to fix it.

BR, Oleg QA

Naw Mar Tha

Hi Sir Oleg,

Thank you for your response. We are currently using DW version 10.6.9 on our project site, but the dashboard is not displaying any values. And Is there a specific setting to hide the total count?


Mar Tha


Yoon Peti Nwe Dynamicweb Employee
Yoon Peti Nwe

Hi Oleg,

We are using DW10.6.9 version but all of the figure still showing as 0 and there is nothing which we can configure in the widget as well. 

Could you please suggest soonest because our customer is going live already with this version.






Morten Buhl Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Buhl

Hi Yoon 

The fix is only in v 10.6.13 and newer so you will need to update. Releases are available here og via nuget


Best regards


Yoon Peti Nwe Dynamicweb Employee
Yoon Peti Nwe

Hi Morten,

Thanks for sharing the detail but we have one concern as our customer is already gone live with version 10.6.9 and there have quite a lot of customization and third party integration done to align with 10.6.9 version which is latest version during live. If we do the upgrade of the DW version then it will impact to all the fix and customization done by us?

If yes, may we know when will be release date of the next DW10 version which is more stable and resolved most of the issue because we have difficulty to do version upgrade whenever there have new version release.

Side question: Is there any separate file that we can deploy easily to resolve this commerce dashboard issue only instead of doing version upgrade?



Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Yoon

You have to upgrade your solution to get the fix. The amount of changes in a version is very limited and you can find the complete list of changes here:

We release hotfix version every Tuesday, and once a month we release new minors with new features. You can read more on release policies and the concept of release rings used for Dynamicweb 10 here:

Bugfixes will be merged to release rings as per this policy:

BR Nicolai

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