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Shared queries and data models

Michael Knudsen

In DW9 it was very usefull to be able to find all products, which belongs to a certain parent product group, but I can't find the equivalent function building a shared query?

Based on my data model below, I would like to find all products with 'Keyboard' category as parent, for now that would be all 'Membrane Keyboards' and 'Mechanical Keyboards'.

Br. Michael Knudsen



Justin Sjouw Dynamicweb Employee
Justin Sjouw
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Michael,

You should be able to use the Parent Group ID or name still.

The datamodel folder "Keyboards" is still just a group underneath, you can find the ID by clicking "edit data model folder" in the dots right next to the folder...

Votes for this answer: 1
Michael Knudsen

Hello Justin,

- thanks for your feedback, but if you are a new DW10 user, you probably won't be looking for anything with 'Parent Group IDs' or 'Parent Group Names', when you want to find products in the data model. Naming could have been more intuitive and related to Data model.

Br. Michael Knudsen


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