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Forum » Templates » Ecom - Cart Quantity xslt

Ecom - Cart Quantity xslt





When I look at the xml output I don't see a total quantity tag/loop.


The only thing I can see is this:


Xml Output:


- <Ecom.Order.OrderLine.Quantity.Form>
<![CDATA[<form action="/Default.aspx" name="QuantityFormCART3" method="get"><input type="hidden" name="CartCmd" id="CartCmd" value="updateorderlines" />]]>



Now, how do i call or use this in my pagetemplate?


Back in the day,  <!--Ecom.Ordreline.Total.Quantity--> only worked on the pagatemplate. Any thing that had anything too do with the cart needed to be on this template or ecom-templates.


When using xslt is it then posible to call this function anywhere?



You should have a node called 'Ecom.Order.OrderLines.TotalQuantity'.


If it's not there it's a bug.


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