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Forum » Templates » Search and replace template filename on Page table?

Search and replace template filename on Page table?

Jacob Storgaard Jensen

Hi, I have to change template (from html to Razor) on 2000+ pages on a site.
I want to know if it's enough to do a search and replace on the PageLayout column on the Page table? Or is there anything else to think about?


Nicolai Pedersen

Also on the area table you have the default layout. And there is also an itemtype to layout mapping file in \Files\System\Items - websitelayout.xml files.

Jacob Storgaard Jensen

Ok, I just tried a search and replace with at test template and test-page... the Filename is replaced when viewing the db, but when viewing which layout is choosen on the testpage's settings it's still the old template... Do I need to do an app pool recycle or something?

Nicolai Pedersen

Yes recycle. 


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