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sass css in DW applcation

Dmitrij Jazel

Hello guys,

I was recently playing arround with SASS css and dw default application.

I oppened a website with my visual studio than.

Tryed to add a SassAndCoffee package (from package manager) to the project, could not do that.

Than tryed to to copy Sass dlls and than add some neccesery changes to the web-config so that server could render sass files correctly.

But as a result I got http 500.19 error. Error message: Configuration section modules can not be read because it is missing one deldeklaration.


I guess that was not the best way to do it. But I would like to use Visual studio to work with Sass files if possible. I guess everyone knows about this one. But I am pretty sure you should be able to use VS aswell.




Mikkel Ricky

Before adding the NuGet packages, you should change the line

<configuration xmlns="">

in Web.config to


Then you should be able to add the packages using NuGet – I've just done it.

However, I have no idea how to actually use the new stuff …

Best regards,


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