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Pameter based search - multiple manufacturers

Regin Madsen

Does anyone know if its possible to do a paremeter based search where you search for more than one manucaturer.

My search today looks like this:


But lets say I want to llok at a second manufacturer - Anoin could you do something like below which works for Groups

eComSearch=1&manufacturer=Aklima, Anoin

thanks in advance

/Regin Madsen


Søren Mejlby
You should be able to do something like that.. just tested eComQuery=&producenter=MANU55,MANU66 on a solution and it worked. I don't know if you have to use the manufactorer ID
Regin Madsen
I found that there was no way to do this.

Søren -> I think youre thinking of the filter search or something like that right?
Søren Mejlby
Yes filter search is used on the solution I tested
Regin Madsen
 This isnt the filter search, but parameter based search, so unfortunately it doesnt work :-(

Another thing: I am quite sure that it has been possible to do parameter based search on custom product fields. Have been through support who is confident that it has never been possible - anyone here who can help me out here? Has it or not been possible?
Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Regin

It is possible to search for multiple manufacturers using eCom parameter search however comma ',' is not a valid delimiter of values. You can either use spaces ' ' or quotes '"'.

So a search could look like this if some of the manufacturer names contain a space:
?eComSearch=1&manufacturer="Adidas""Reebok""Nike""Air Jordan"
It could also look like this if no manufacturer name contains a space:
?eComSearch=1&manufacturer=Adidas Reebok Nike
And finally you can combine:
?eComSearch=1&manufacturer=Adidas Reebok Nike "Air Jordan"

Regarding parameter search of custom product fields then yes, it is possible. So there are three scenarios to consider. The first is a free text search in all custom product fields. The second is a search for a specific value in a specific field and third is a free text search in specific fields.

The first case is handled like this:
?eComSearch=1&eComQuery="What ever value to search for"&ProductCustomField_=ALL
Note the underscore in "ProductCustomField_". You can skip the eComSearch=1 parameter if you have the search box enabled on the paragraph settings for the Product Catalog.
The second case is handled like this:
Note that this will only match field and value the way it's specified in the url.
The third case is handled like this:
?eComSearch=1&eComQuery="What ever value to search for"&ProductCustomField_1=myCustomFieldSystemName1&ProductCustomField_2=myCustomFieldSystemName2

Hope this helps :)

- Jeppe
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Regin Madsen
Hi Jeppe,

Nice thanks for the input on the manufacturer field - thought Iwe tried about everything, but not the one you mention here!

Regarding the customfields.

Take this example:


This will get all products with a price below 500. But cant you use the same _Type style on custom fields? Should have been more specifik earlier, but that was what I ment.



Jeppe Eriksson Agger Dynamicweb Employee
Jeppe Eriksson Agger

Code wise they behave exactly the same, so this should work:

Or rather I should say, it works for me locally :)


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