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Forum » Templates » Less issue
Jens Mouritzen
Jens Mouritzen

Hi guys

I'm wondering how to remove the " " from the less variables created from the website settings (image1) wich outputs this css (image2) wich makes the css break.

Config file also attached.

image-1.png image-2.png


Karsten Thuen Dynamicweb Employee
Karsten Thuen

Hi Jens

That is a great question. Thanks. Fortunately it is really easy to do. In the Less files, where you are going to use the variable, you should wrap it up like this:

text-transform: ~'@{casing}';

There is another trick that may be good to know, while working with the Rapido compiled css. When you have a variable, that is a number, but should be used with a suffix like "px", you should do it like this:

height: unit(@layout-logo-height, px);


Best regards
Karsten Thuen 

Jens Mouritzen
Jens Mouritzen

Thanks Karsten.

I forgot i had to wrap the variables in the less files, like you just wrote :)


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