I updated my core to
Item types were gone! I checked the restrictions and configurations of the items types but they were OK.
I managed to get my items back by opening the publisher template via the CMS and enter a space somewhere and close and save.
The item was magically back where it belongs.
This item was used in several language area's so i thought "add a space to the template and upload it", but that didn't work.
I had to open the template in each area and alter it and save and close is ...
Not sure why this happened and how to prevent it ...
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Item template bug on update
Just to be sure: Did the item types and item content still exist, but the item publisher did not display them? Did you have to edit the module settings for each item publisher to make the items appear in the frontend?
Best regards,
I have experienced the same as Peter on update.
I however was not so "lucky" to find such an "easy" workaround. Instead I solved the very same problem by deleting the paragraph containing the itempublisher and then create it again with the same settings.
It was NOT enough to remove the module from the paragraph, the entire paragraph had to be deleted.
All item types and item content did still exists, all I had to do was deleting paragraphs and create them again
What version did you upgrade from? And to? Please report this in our case reporting system.
Best regards,
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