Has anyone tried to create the new custom grid layout with simplified column selection?
I want to controle the grid on all the different breakpoints so the user should only worrie about how they want it to look like on the eg desktop.
I would like to controle the output if the user has selected eg. 8 column the output should be "col-12 col-md-7 col-lg-8" and if the user select 4 column the output is "col-12 col-md-4 col-lg-3 ml-md-auto"
{ "Columns":12, "ColumnsSmall":[], "ColumnsMedium":[], "ColumnsLarge":[4,8,12], "ColumnDefaultSize":12, "ColumnClassSmall":"", "ColumnClassMedium":"", "ColumnClassLarge": "col-12 col-lg-{columns}", "ContainerStart":"", "ContainerEnd":"", "RowStart":"", "RowEnd":"", "ColumnStart":"", "ColumnEnd":"" }
Best regards Jakob