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Forum » Templates » Datalist - Delete ROW

Datalist - Delete ROW

Marco Johannesen
Hello fellow DW users,

Anyone know if there is  a dynamic link where you can delete records in the DataList?
Or is it nor possible to delete entres?

You could do it in the old form module... :-(


Marco Johannesen
This post has been marked as an answer
Just in case somebody else needs the same function.

Create a second DataList - chose custom SQL - insert a DELETE statement
ex. DELETE FROM [Lines] WHERE ID= @Request("DeleteROWid")

Then add this DataList on the same page as the other(or another, ex. edit/details page) and chose NONE/Intet as Custom template.

Now you just create a link with the paramteter DeleteROWid and its ID and wupti - you can delete a row from your DataList.
(Advisable use a popup box to confirm deletion!)

Hopefully DW will integrate it someday :-)

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Lise Trabjerg Pedersen


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