I have this lame question about a feature that I thought would be absolutely simple to implement. However, it didn't work out as I hoped. :-/
I have created a login form in a Razor-template. The login submits the username and the password to a custom login, but the custom login creates a virtual Dynamicweb-user.
Now I'm trying to create an autologin-feature, and I thought I could just use the standard approach in Dynamicweb. So I implemented the following HTML:
<div class="checkbox">
<div style="display:none;">
<input type="hidden" value="true" name="DWExtranetUsernameRemember" id="DWExtranetUsernameRemember" />
<input type="hidden" value="true" name="DWExtranetPasswordRemember" id="DWExtranetPasswordRemember" />
<input value="true" type="checkbox" name="autologin" id="autologin">
<label for="autologin">Husk mig</label>
<a href="/Login.aspx?action=PasswordForm">Glemt adgangskode? </a>
However, it doesn't work. I've investigated the cookies being sent by Dynamicweb CMS, and it seems that there's no cookie being sent to the browser. I guess that the "AL=" is the autologin information? http://screencast.com/t/GXe3CkLR