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Forum » Rapido » Unpublished pages visable in frontend

Unpublished pages visable in frontend

Manon Eppink


We have a cutomer where are pages visable in frontend. Is this a known is in rapido 2.1?

If you go to the direct url you see the page, for example: (or in this case the code). 

Hope to hear from you. 





Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar

Hi Manon,


I can't reproduce your issue. You're probably seeing them because you are logged in to the backend at the same time (in the same browser). If you try to use a browser to access the frontend and another one to access the backend, you will get the expected behavior.


The unpublished pages are visible if you are logged into the backend, so that you (as a backend user) can work with them before actually making them publicaly available.


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar

Nicolai Pedersen

Also there is a difference between "hide in menu" and "Unpublished". Hide in menu will still make the page browsable - the unpublished will give 404 unless you are logged into administration as Nuno writes.


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