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Forum » Rapido » Stock Unit renders duplicated options

Stock Unit renders duplicated options

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

I have played with Stock units on the latest Rapido version.

It seems that the render ignores the language filter and renders all instances of the Unit.

I have 2 languages defined, a few unit options and on one of the products I have defined one stock option using one of the already defined units.

The Unit selector renders 2 options (with the same ID) instead of just one.

I have attached a few screenshots.

Thank you,

stcck-unit-1.png stcck-unit-2.png


Olga Shedko Dynamicweb Employee
Olga Shedko

Hello Adrian,

Cannot reproduce this issue. Could you please give us your website url (if possible - that would be the best since we are not sure where this bug could come from, looks like in templates all rendered correctly). If not not possible - please provide additional information:

1.Settings/Product catalog/Stock location screenshots (for both languages).

2. Settings/Product catalog/Stock units screenshots (for both languages).

3. Ecommerce/Product catalog/Product/Stock/Edit stock info dialog with expanded "Unit" + "Stock location" dropdowns screenshots (for both languages).

Thank you,

Best regards,

Olga | QA


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