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Forum » Rapido » shopping experience rapido 3.2 desktop vs mobile

shopping experience rapido 3.2 desktop vs mobile

Siv Hansen
Siv Hansen

I have a question about the shopping experience on desktop vs mobile, with setting Panel mini-chart with visual products (this is the one I like the most on desktop).

On desktop, a click on the shopping basket icon shows the shopping basket on the right, and an extra click is necessary in order to start the closure process (address, payment etc). On mobile, however, the click on the shopping basket icon takes me to the address fields, which is not what I want. I want to review the items in my shopping basket as I can on desktop.

Did I miss a setting here? Is this as intendet or is it a bug?

Best wishes.


Olga Shedko Dynamicweb Employee
Olga Shedko

Hello Siv,

It's not a bug - we've never had the minicart implementation (and related settings) for mobile view. But I've created a new TFS feature (as change request) # 70907 and assigned to our Project Manager for approval/disapproval. Will let you know the result.

Thank you!

Best wishes,

Olga | QA


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