I'm trying to port some feature I had developped for a wrap solution to a Rapido solution. It is simply a paragraph which allows the user to input some product numbers and quantity all together in a textarea, then add all that to the basket. Now obviously I could just copy-paste what I have with very little change and that would work, but I'm actually interested in doing things right. I have read the rapido documentation about the development of new features, and while it was very interesting, it is quite abstract and I have trouble seeing how to integrate new stuff in practice.
Do I put my custom javascript (data processing of the input, behaviour after adding to basket) in custom.js, even though I will only need it on one page ? Or do I put it in a separate file like I'm used to ? Or something else ?
Cart.js doesn't have a method for addmulti. Do I add this method myself to the prototype in this file ? In custom.js ? In another file ? Should I extend the prototype at all ?
As an aside, it would be really nice to have a tutorial or webinar that whould go step by step in implementing some new simple feature to Rapido, so we can follow the philosophy behind.