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Forum » Rapido » Form validation on checkout - Browser Back

Form validation on checkout - Browser Back

Chris Søgaard
Chris Søgaard


We have encountered an issue on the form validation/validation groups on checkout on some of our solutions running Rapido, if user choose to navigate back with browser navigation. Using the "Next" and "Back" button navigation in a checkout flow does not seem to trigger this issue.

To replicate we go to checkout, and validation will correctly trigger based on the rules from validation group. We then fill out the form according to the validation group and go to next step, and after that use browser navigation to go back. After this, validation will not trigger on the form even though you clear the entire form or cart.

Does anyone else have a problem with this, and have a working solution to validate this properly without adding a layer of frontend/JS validation.


Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen

Hi Chris

Is this setting on?

Chris Søgaard
Chris Søgaard

Hi Lars

I found this setting myself during testing and turned it off, but unfortunately it did not fix the issue. It seems to be related to using the navigation buttons in the checkout flow, but does not change anything when using browser navigation to go back.


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