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Forum » Rapido » Field values are not being populated with the correct TemplateTag

Field values are not being populated with the correct TemplateTag

Fabio Monte


When populating the user field values in a Contact Form, the GetString("Field.Value") is always returning empty so i had to use the GetString("Field.ValueFromAutoOrDefault") tag since it was on this tag the values were being populated. (i.e: Company, Phone, Name)

Aren't the values supposed to coming from the GetString("Field.Value") tag instead ?



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Fabio

In what template? GetString("Field.Value") will probably only have a value in the receipt but not when rendering the form...

BR Nicolai

Fabio Monte

Hi Nicolai

It's the Form.cshtml template under Forms > Blocks

Since this was a customer requirement, we used the GetString("Field.ValueFromAutoOrDefault") tag instead in a custom block to render the user details in the form (when logged in of course).

Nicolai Pedersen

GetString("Field.Value") tag will return the value of a post (or get) to the form or receipt. So if you access the form like this:

/contact/contact-form?somefieldSystemName=SomeValue the tag will contain SomeValue.

BR Nicolai


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