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Forum » Rapido » Change wording on recover password

Change wording on recover password

Fabio Monte

In the recover password page here for example: can we change the wording from "Insert your email below and you will receive an email where you can recover your password." to "Enter your email address below and you will receive an email with a link to recover your password."

Highlighting the fact there's a link to recover the password may help going straight to the point. Thoughts?


Olga Shedko Dynamicweb Employee
Olga Shedko

Hello Fabio,

You can just change your PasswordRecovery.cshtml template with the message you need.

You can do it with these steps:

Go to admin/Content/Customer center/Not logged in/Sign in/My profile > open Extranet module settings > edit Password Recovery Template with the message you need and save.

Please see attachments.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Olga | QA

Img_01.png Img_02.png Img_03.png


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