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Bug in groups filter

Siv Hansen
Siv Hansen

Thanks for the solution about product groups filter in Rapido latest. Now I've found a bug.

On this site, I activated the group filter, and when I use the menu to the eyewear product group it is activated as a filter. However, it is not possible to close the filter by using the corresponding "x"


Karsten Thuen Dynamicweb Employee
Karsten Thuen

Hi Siv

Sorry for the late reply. As far as I can see, this is due to the way the facets work. Cliking them simply adds/removes the parameter in the url. When the group setting comes from the navigation, it is not added to the url the way the facets needs it. 

I am not sure how the solution would be. But I think you will have to treat group facets in a special way in Facets.js


Best regards
Karsten Thuen


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