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Forum » PIM » Translation of Listbox options

Translation of Listbox options

Aki Ruuskanen
Aki Ruuskanen

Not sure if this is the right forum but here goes:

In our PIM we have a LOT of fields of type "List box" displayed as CheckBoxList. And these fields have a lot of options. 
And we will have a number of languages. 

I am trying to figure out how to best do the translation of the options in these fields. 
I don't think we want to click through all the options in all languages in admin. :) 

I looked at the table that holds these values. Thought that maybe we can do an export, let someone do the transaltions in Excel and import the stuff again. 

But the values are stored in HTML code options. And my guess is that it could pretty time consuming also. 

<Options><Option Name="Yes [C60D]" Value="C60D" Default="" /><Option Name="No [C60U]" Value="C60U" Default="" /><Option Name="Yes [C65D]" Value="C65D" Default="" /><Option Name="No [C65U]" Value="C65U" Default="" /><Option Name="Yes [C70D]" Value="C70D" Default="" /><Option Name="No [C70U]" Value="C70U" Default="" /></Options>
<Options><Option Name="90° clockwise or counter-clockwise [1]" Value="1" Default="" /><Option Name="90° counter-clockwise [2]" Value="2" Default="" /><Option Name="90° clockwise [3]" Value="3" Default="" /></Options>

Maybe someone has a bright idea about how to do this smoothly. :)

Regards / Aki




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