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Forum » PIM » Scheduled tasks, Add-in: Assign products to one or more groups, depending on some rules

Scheduled tasks, Add-in: Assign products to one or more groups, depending on some rules

Helene Kjærbøl

Hi Forum,

Anyone who has tried using the scheduled task add-in 'Assign products to one or more groups, depending on some rules'?

What I would like to achieve is that my products automatically are published into ecom groups from PIM. A PIM field with the group names should be the basis of the publication.

Is this possible?

I have tried digging deeper into it. But when I get to the Assignment rules part, I am a bit confused on how this works. Is it only possible to set this up to publish to a shop and not ecom groups within the shop? Or how does the last part 'parameter mapping' work?





Søren Jensen Dynamicweb Employee
Søren Jensen

Hi Helene,

The new "Auto assign products" are made to automaticcally place Products in Groups/Categories, based on rules and parameters, and controlled by a Schedule Task

There can be used two modes, "Group mode" and "Query mode", and both Mode use "Group Parameters" to identify the Products.

"Group mode" are the most Simple one to use, and where Parameters only are defined on the "Destination Group"

"Query mode" are more flexible and can be made more complex. Parameters are still defined on the "Destination Group", but are made as CustomerGroupFields

I hope that helps you



Helene Kjærbøl

Hi Søren,

Thank you very much for the quick response.

Where are the group parameteres set? Is it in the query?

Do you have an example?

BR Helene

Søren Jensen Dynamicweb Employee
Søren Jensen

Hi Helene,

Example of parameter to be used in "Group mode"




Example of parameter to be used in "Query mode"

"Group Edit"


"Query rule"



My query I use ..





Helene Kjærbøl
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Søren,

Thanks again :-)

I am testing group mode to start with - what am I missing?

1. Some products in PIM I wnat to publish to Ecom categories automatically based on the PIM field 'ProductCategory', with the values 'Opbevaring', 'Arbejdsstation' etc.

2. rule is set on the Ecom group:

3. The assignment rule has been set

4. And the job has been run

5. But I see nu products in the group (even after running product index)

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